Offline Marketers: What services are you offering for monthly fees?


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ATTENTION: Before posting any new questions, make sure to read through the ENTIRE thread as it most likely HAS been answered multiple times.

Please don't be offended if you ask a question and get ignored because you decided to not take the time to do this.


Let's work through a real life example.

So many members here seem to get caught up in the "Are my fees justifiable mentality" so I need to respond.

Instead of giving the answers I would like everyone to go into Deep thought and exchange places with the Business owner. 

You now own his business and some Hotshot Internet Marketer  walks through his doors to market his business.

This will be the scenario: I get a lot of these.

Service type (repeat biz) business: Dentist, Carpet cleaner, Pest Control, Plumber, HVAC, etc... Mom & Pop type biz

Gross Sales: 1.2 Million in 2008, decreased to 1.1 Million in 2009, sales have Flat-lined. Incorporated for over 5+ years. Has 4 employees, spouse works part-time helping out.

Client has a nice website, ranked page 3 Google. His domain listed Page 3 Google is his entire Internet presence. 
Advertising/Marketing budget per year is roughly 5% of sales $50,000 
Spends 80% of his advertising budget ($40,000 year) on Yellow Pages 
The balance of 20% ($10,000) is spent on Spray & Pray type marketing 
Has a database (Names & Addresses only) of 2,000 past & current customers 
Gross Profit margins are 25% 
Now you make this statement: 

Mr Business owner, "If I could show you a way to cut the Fat & Waste from your marketing budget and at the same time Increase your sales by 30%, would you be interested?"

Show me how you could justify ME giving YOU a $4,997 set-up fee plus $1,497 per month (starting in 30 days) 12 month agreement. Total price is $23,000.

I want YOU to show me what you could do to "Cut the Fat & Waste in my Advertising budget and Increase my sales.

In addition, I want to see ALL the Benefits to your plan even if I just Break even with your fees vs my increased profits and the end of 12 months.

************************************************** ***

I would like to see all thoughts. There shouldn't be any criticism from anyone, we are all here to learn.

I am willing to bet that I have (2) answers that no one will come up with. I've picked my brains for years justifying my prices to clients.

Let the games begin. 


P.S. If you need more info let me know, but I'm going to be very conservative in my replies.

Edit (Jan 22, 4:30 EST): I implemented the Exact case for a client back in Oct 2009. The fee structure was a little different. $20,000 paid over a 6 month period. A Minimum of $997 to $1,497 dependent upon the services the client wanted at that time for continuing consulting. I can tell everyone the client is Extremely happy with the results in only 3 months. He has given me (3) referrals since we met. I will give details when all is finished.

BTW, the client is one of the above categories.

How to Position Yourself

From Wikipedia:

Credibility refers to the objective and subjective components of the believability of a source or message.

Traditionally, credibility has two key components: trustworthiness and expertise, which both have objective and subjective components. Trustworthiness is a based more on subjective factors, but can include objective measurements such as established reliability. 

Expertise can be similarly subjectively perceived, but also includes relatively objective characteristics of the source or message (e.g., credentials, certification or information quality). 

Secondary components of credibility include source dynamism (charisma) and physical attractiveness

I'll list some of the ways I develop MY credibility BEFORE I introduce myself to a Prospect (not yet a client).

The #1 method is to be a book Author (I have 2 books that are linked to Barnes & Noble and Amazon). Instant Credibility, I am the Authority figure immediately. Clients will not debate you. I jokingly say "I wrote a few books on this subject, just Google Me or go to B&N, Amazon, etc..." 

There is currently a WSO on WF right now: "The Amazon System-How to Write 1 Book per day" You're a fool not to buy it. It can make you Millions over your career. Seriously. Try getting a check for $25,000 to $100,000+ from a client withOUT being an Author.

You're losing so much money if you don't have a book. Not only do you lose money, but the Sale is 10x harder without a book. I have NOTHING to do with this WSO. I did buy it because I want to create another quick (11) books so I can say I've written over a dozen books.

When I am referred to a prospect I send my "Shock & Awe" package with my 2 books before we talk.

Radio Show: Go to >>> Talk Radio Podcast - Blog Talk Radio and record a radio show. Have it Digitally posted to your webisite. FREE.

So far you are an Author and have appeared on a Radio program. 
Less than $50 and a little labor.


Use FedEx and UPS logos (These companies spend Millions to market themselves. Use their credibility to rub off on you.) 
USPS logo 
Local phone number, Toll-Free if marketing out of your area. 
Credit Card logos (methods of payments accepted) in the prospects mind you have been Approved by 3rd party vendors who have spent Millions developing their credibility and they have Approved YOU. 
BBB logo (if you can afford) 
Local Chamber of Commerce logo (become a member, even thought I despise them) 
Offer some type of powerful "Guarantee" make it a logo 
Have PayPal and Google logo checkouts 
Post your Hours of Operation 
As seen on Google, Yahoo!, MSN, Bing, etc... 
Any Awards you have earned. Can be used even if it does not have anything to do with your work. Charity support, etc... 
A picture of yourself (even better if you have a puppy next to you) 
Press Releases: Electronic, Newsprint, etc... 
Any Association you belong to 
Affinity groups 
Testimonials: Splash these all over your site. Do NOT have a separate page. 
Favorite Charity logo 
Favorite Books you recommend 
Celebrity Endorsements if you can get it. 
Pics with Celebrities. I have pictures with Dan Kennedy, Perry Marshall, Jay Abraham, Tom Hopkins, and many others on my site, shaking their hand or standing side by side. 
Pics with "Centers of Influence": Doctors, Nurses, Police, Fire, EMT, School teacher, 
Contact page: Picture of your office or building. Google Map, Fax # 
Link to Secretary of States office to YOUR Business Listing 
Create a video of YOU speaking for a few minutes. 
Audio with a Static picture will also work 
That's it for today. I'm sure I'll think of more.

I see a lot of you seem hung up on my Agreement (actually a contract, but I use the word agreement).

So, here it is. The one I use on a weekly basis. Modify for your use.

This agreement cost me several thousand dollars in legal fees over the last few years modifying it. 

This agreement was the 1st time I collected upfront money over a period of time.

Client paid $20,000 over a 6 month period and $1,997 month continuing. Clients monthly revenue went up over 50% in 60 days. He's very happy with my services.

My video creation is strictly for SERP's, quick videos for Google Maps, etc...

Simple blog.

Customized Twitter page $20.

Anyone here could have done what I did except maybe rewrite Yellow Page ads. This is a special skillset.

I would appreciate any feedback in regards to this agreement. Is it more or less than what you were expecting?

Hey All,

I'm having great success with offline clients in closing sales, but all my packages I offer are more "one off" SEO stuff with no real monthly fees.

The only service I have right now that I charge a monthly fee is providing an autoresponder service to collect their leads and follow-up automatically with a pre-determined amount of follow-up emails.

I do provide a video marketing package, etc.

Does anyone have ideas (or know of a report/guide) with pratical ideas for offering continuity services such as monthly video creation/promotion etc?

Also, I know many people are charging for monthly SEO/backlinking services to get high rankings on Google...I'm trying to wrap my head around how this works long term...

I mean most of the local business terms shouldnt be THAT hard to rank for, so I'd assuming getting ranked for "[town] eye doctor" shouldnt take more than a couple month of decent how do you continue to charge once a 1st page ranking is reached?

Do you just begin on a new keyword? etc.?

Seems like most SEO companies would want to provide minimal search engine ranking increases each month to prolong the amount of time they can charge for backlinking services? (which would be very
