New Member
I have some code that adds classes to an element and then tries to remove them and add different ones 1 second later. I'm getting some very odd behavior that I can't even reproduce in a simple jsfiddle example.Here's the relevant JavaScript code I have:\[code\]console.log('before destroyed: ' + currentTile.get(0).className);currentTile.addClass(classes.destroyed);console.log('after destroyed: ' + currentTile.get(0).className);setTimeout(function () { console.log('before blanking: ' + currentTile.get(0).className); currentTile.removeClass().addClass(classes.blank + ' ui-draggable'); console.log('after blanking: ' + currentTile.get(0).className);}, 2000);\[/code\]And here is what the console is saying:
As you can see, adding the \[code\]destroyed\[/code\] class works fine, but the call to \[code\]removeClass()\[/code\] inside of the \[code\]setTimeout\[/code\] appears to be doing nothing, and then the \[code\].addClass(classes.blank + ' ui-draggable');\[/code\] also appears to be working fine. Also, if I pass a single class to \[code\]removeClass\[/code\] it removes that one class without a problem.If it were an issue of context or \[code\]currentTile\[/code\] being the wrong element, I would think the \[code\]addClass\[/code\] would also fail? Anyone have any idea what is going on here?Additional info: jQuery latest (v.1.9.0 I think), jQuery UI v 1.10.0, Chrome v.24.0.1312.56 mEdit: The problem appears to be directly related to jQuery UI, and can be seen happening in this fiddle.