Odd entities in generated text (chrome is weird)


New Member
I am working on a school-project with two classmates. Our task is to make a dynamic gallery for web.
So we got the whole gallery up and running perfect, except chrome is acting mighty weird about it.
We have our pictures uploaded in blob, as well as our thumbnails. We load them from the database through php.\[code\]<div id="content_right"><?phpif(isset($_GET['c'])) {$c = $_GET['c'];$thumbs_sql = mysql_query("SELECT foto_id FROM `fotos` INNER JOIN foto_cat ON fotos.foto_cat = foto_cat.cat_id WHERE fotos.foto_cat = $c");}else{$thumbs_sql = mysql_query("SELECT foto_id FROM fotos INNER JOIN foto_cat ON fotos.foto_cat = foto_cat.cat_id ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 8");}while($getthumbs = mysql_fetch_array($thumbs_sql)){ $thumb_id = $getthumbs["foto_id"]; $picsource = 'inc/thumbnails.php?thumb='.$thumb_id; $thumb .= '<div class="ikon"> <img alt="'.$thumb_id.'" src="'.$picsource.'" value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3916489/inc/picture.php?pic='.$thumb_id.'" /></div>';}echo $thumb;?></div>\[/code\]The thing is, it works perfect in any browser but chrome. The problem is the browser (or server) seems to add a very odd entity in our file-source (for the img-tag). It cannot be displayed in the page source, neither by echoing the source out. It is only visible through chromes developer tools, and shows up as a square (unknown entity?). It is placed right after "inc/".
(picture-example of the problem in chrome developer tools.)Not only does this seem strange, but also, it works perfect in chrome when we use a localhost (wamp/mamp/xampp etc.). Likewise, the image can still be downloaded/viewed if hardcoded into either url bar or source.
We have tried converting it to string, adding the slash through php, setting enctype and anything else we could possibly think of.
This leads us to believe it must be a serverside problem? Are we mistaken?
And if not, is there a workaround through coding?The gallery is live at http://46246.rtsphp.dk/gallery/index.php.
Let me know if you need more files than this somehow, or anything else. Any help would be greatly appreciated, since we ourselves are clueless :S~Esben Tind (esbentind at gmail dot com)