odbc_exec hangs in select query


Staff member

I'm having a mysterious problem with a hangup in a PHP script that does several select queries.

It successfuly executes through two odbc_exec calls, both doing SELECT queries. Then on the third call it hangs. I tested the original SELECT query for this third call in my MS SQL Query Analyzer (client software for editing and running SQL queries) - it ran very fast and produced zero result lines. I also tried to replace the query with a query on one of my other database tables, which contains about 100 rows, with the same results.

The only way I could get past this call was to remove the assignment to the odbc result identifier.

Other ideas that failed: using another connection with a different name, doing odbc_close() on that first connection.

I am running PHP 4.0.6 on Win NT with SP 5, 256 MB RAM, 450 MHz.

Any ideas ?

Yaron Yogev