ODBC pconnect and MSSQL7


Staff member
Our webservers are on Linux, and we're connecting to a MSSQL7 database on NT via Easoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge for some portions of the content of our pages. We recently tried to launch a new site, which relies more heavily on data from the NT machine, and completely crashed the Linux machine within an hour. We determined that we had multiple odbc_connect() calls on a script, and rewrote the pages to use pconnect(), which seemed to be working fine for the first few hours. The following day we intermittently get this bizzare error:
"Warning: SQL error: 瑲b@ ?, SQL state 袉 in SQLExecDirect" when calling one particular DSN in our scripts. The other DSN seems to work fine with pconnect. If we turn off pconnect, and use odbc_connect() things seem to work ok, but odbc_connect() is slower than pconnect, isn't it?

Has anyone seen a gibberish error like that when using odbc functions? Any information or advice is appreciated.
