I'm getting this error (all output displayed):
cust code=533223conn=Resource id #3
<b>Warning:</b> OCIStmtExecute: ORA-02019: connection description for remote database not found in <b>/www/html/westernkentuckygas.com/practice/email/insert/i_email.php</b> on line <b>16</b>
<font color=red>Update FAILED </font>
I'm coloring the line with the error in green in the code below:
//begin php
if ($submit)
echo "cust code=$CustCode";
$conn = OCILogon("scott","tiger","dbase");
echo "conn=$conn";
$sql = "UPDATE ucbcust
SET ucbcust_email_addr = $re_CustomerEmail
WHERE ucbcust_cust_code = $CustCode";
$update = OCIParse($conn,$sql);
<font color=green> $ok = OCIExecute($update,OCI_DEFAULT);</font>
if ($ok)
print ("Update Success.");
print("<font color=red>Update FAILED</font>");
//end php
cust code=533223conn=Resource id #3
<b>Warning:</b> OCIStmtExecute: ORA-02019: connection description for remote database not found in <b>/www/html/westernkentuckygas.com/practice/email/insert/i_email.php</b> on line <b>16</b>
<font color=red>Update FAILED </font>
I'm coloring the line with the error in green in the code below:
//begin php
if ($submit)
echo "cust code=$CustCode";
$conn = OCILogon("scott","tiger","dbase");
echo "conn=$conn";
$sql = "UPDATE ucbcust
SET ucbcust_email_addr = $re_CustomerEmail
WHERE ucbcust_cust_code = $CustCode";
$update = OCIParse($conn,$sql);
<font color=green> $ok = OCIExecute($update,OCI_DEFAULT);</font>
if ($ok)
print ("Update Success.");
print("<font color=red>Update FAILED</font>");
//end php