oci8/php-)Can select numbers but not strings!


New Member
Enviroment: php-4.0.3pl, apache_1.13.12 on a linux box with oracle8.0.5 sitting on Windows box.

I compiled php as a cgi and as a module. I can select and display everything fine with the cgi. So my oracle enviroment is fine.

In the php/apache module I can insert into the db and I can select from the db. However, when I try to display a varchar2 variable in html through apache nothing shows up and any text after the variable name doesn't appear either.

Example code in apache with php module:
OCIFetchInto($stmt, &$res);
echo "so $res[0] contains field1, and $res[1] contains field2";

the so 23 contains field1, and

What is lacking here? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!