objects and z-index


I have a page with a large picture, and a flash swf object.<br />
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I want the large picture to be in front of the swf (the picture will have low opacity so the swf can still be viewed).<br />
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Is it possible to move object behind other elements using z-index or anything?<!--content-->oh i figured it out. if anyone needs help with this in the future:<br />
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just add between object tags:<br />
<br />
<param name="WMode" value="Transparent" /><!--content-->if using:<br />
<br />
<br />
<flashobj style="z-index:4"></flashobj><br />
<br />
<image style="z-index:5"></image><br />
<br />
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doesn't work with the flash object then one way around it would be to create a separate html file and put the flash object in it byitself...<br />
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then...<br />
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on the page that you are trying to acheive the result of the flash object behind an image; instead of putting the flash code, put an <iframe></iframe> there with the iframe's src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"myflashthingy.html" and then set the z-index of the iframe to 1 ( or more ) number lower than the image that you wish to be on top of it...<br />
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somewhat like:<br />
<br />
<br />
<iframe style="z-index:4" src=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"myflashthingy.html"></iframe><br />
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<image style="z-index:5"></image><!--content-->lol, you figured it out at the same time i wrote my suggestion, nifty solution too :)<!--content-->Hi there pyrexyn,<br />
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Thought that you would like to know that...<br />
<param name="WMode" value="Transparent"><br />
works fine in IE6 but stubbornly refuses<br />
to co-operate in Netscape7... :mad:<br />
until you enter WMode="Transparent" into the embed tag :D <br />
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coothead<!--content-->an <object> tag is a windowed-control element therefore you cannot control it with z-index as it is above anything else on the page, besides another windowed-element.<!--content-->Hi there,<br />
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I know that the iframe is not to everyone's taste, but here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://mysite.freeserve.com/coothead/boo/boobs.html">http://mysite.freeserve.com/coothead/boo/boobs.html</a><!-- m -->) is an example, <br />
using one with the <param name="wmode"value="transparent"> that may amuse or frustrate :D :mad:<br />
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