object & scroll bar


when including an html page as an object (even when the size is larger than the content) in IE 6 you get a greyed out vertical scrollbar (not the horizontal though). In NS 7 the display is correct - no bars.<br />
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There are no valid scroll attributes for the object tag. This is likely just an IE problem that I will have to live with.<br />
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But . . . anyone know any tricks to get rid of it?<!--content-->Actually, visible is the default - but I tried specifying it anyway and I tried hidden in order to understand the options - no joy.<!--content-->To get rid of the scrollbar for the HTML page, in the body tag put scroll="no". To get rid of scrollbars for a particular element, in a CSS script, type overflow:hidden;. Hope that helps!:)<!--content-->that does not work for an object. read the prior post. but a good thought!<!--content-->Personally I haven't had that problem (you haven't got a link to your pages have you?), but I can only elaborate on the previous posts and say try overflow:auto or (probably not what you want) overflow:scroll<!--content-->I believe the real problem is actually Micro$oft, yes the autoflow would work for a <textbox>.<br />
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However we are considering the <object> element I have seen this question before when some people were testing the XHTML 2.0 proposals and trying to insert an image via <object> obviously Mozilla gets things right.<!--content-->There is a general hack to get IE to remove it's crappy vertical scrollbar when it's not needed.<br />
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However it's not valid CSS and will NOT pass validation.<br />
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/* IE scrollbar fix, Invalid CSS */<br />
body,html { overflow-y: auto }<br />
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I assume the same can be applied to get rid of scrollbars for <object>. Not tested though.<!--content-->Stefan -<br />
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thanks for the post. but no luck with an html object. still there.<!--content-->for the object tag there is a solution:<br />
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for example:<br />
page.html : this page calls the object.<br />
<!DOCTYPE html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><br />
<html><br />
<head><br />
<title>Test objet</title><br />
</head><br />
<body><br />
<OBJECT type="text/html" data="object.php" width="160px" height="600px"><br />
</OBJECT><br />
</body><br />
</html><br />
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and put this css in object.php<br />
HTML {<br />
margin: 0;<br />
overflow:auto;<br />
border: none;<br />
}<br />
<br />
body {<br />
margin: 0;<br />