I have an ascx file which contains a label web form control. There is a codebehind which populates the text for this control. The question is how do I define the label control in the codebehind to be the specific instance of the control in the ascx file?<BR> <BR>If I do this<BR>Dim breadcrumb As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label<BR><BR>then 'breadcrumb' is indeed defined as a label control, but not the specific instance of the control which is in my ascx page<BR><BR>the subject of this thread is the error I get returned<BR> <BR>try:<BR>Protected breadcrumb As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label<BR><BR>and make sure you declar it outside of any functions in the codebehind.worked a treat - I really need to get my head into some OOP books