Object.keys(…) not always work in IE


New Member
SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'keys'Using IE 9.0.8112.16421 I receive this error, but not always. The exact same application and code in two environments. One running JBoss on a intranet host and the other running Jetty on localhost. The former one gives the error.This is the code where it fails:\[code\]return $.get('/rest/typeaheads/' + query, function(data) { lastResults = data; > return process(Object.keys(lastResults)); <});\[/code\]I've got a map lastResults that is received as json object through ajax-call. I understand it that Object.keys(...) does not work for host objects, but my json object is surely not a host object? So how can this happen and why the difference between the two environments?