ob_get_level() starts at level 1


New Member
Having a few problems with output buffering. Mainly, I'm trying to run output buffering with the ob_gzhandler callback, but it keeps telling me its using an unsupported compression type. Everything is enabled, and I believe the problem is that running ob_get_level() at the start of my script produces a level of 1. php.ini has my output_buffering set to 4096.If I run something like:\[code\]while(ob_get_level() > 0){ ob_end_clean();}\[/code\]Then I can successfully run ob_start() with the ob_gzhandler callback. But I'm wondering if it should be a problem. During my script I make calls to ob_clean() at various points as I'm avoiding stacking too many buffers as I've read this can increase performance. I'm just unsure as to what I should be doing here.Cheers.