Nutscape has me going nutty!


Can anyone please tell me why one page out of a dozen simular pages will not display in Netscape?<br />
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The page displays fine in IE and other pages just like it display fine in Netscape so I am stumped.<br />
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The page url is:<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
It works fine in IE.<br />
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Here is the exact same page with different content which works fine in both IE and Netscape, can't figure out what the difference between the two can be.<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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Thanks,<br />
KWJams<!--content-->Knew it before I even saw it.<br />
You didn't close the table in there.<br />
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Netscape is more picky than IE. IE will sweep bugs under the rug, great for newbie surfers, bad for programming.<br />
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For every <TABLE> <TR> you'll need another </TR> </TABLE> somewhere. For the total of 2 seconds I spent looking at your source code I can say your missing some closing tags in the middle somewhere. I'll bet it was an incomplete copy & paste.<!--content-->That gives me a direction to look at. :)<br />
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**FIXED IT, THANKS** :rocker:<!--content-->Which is why I keep saying. . . <br />
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proof in Netscape! If it works in Netscape it'll work in IE. There are the *really weird* occasions where this isn't true . . . but they are really rare.<br />
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I keep hearing things like "netscrap" and all that, but the fact of the matter is that IE is a much larger program than netscape and 90% of that is code built to enable IE to read poorly written, unvalidated code.<br />
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But I rant . . . <br />
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and it appears I am preaching to the choir since you are trying to make your site work in Netscape . . so keep up the good work. You'll be a better coder for it.<br />
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:)<br />
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-beth<!--content-->Originally posted by etridico <br />
Which is why I keep saying. . . <br />
<br />
proof in Netscape! If it works in Netscape it'll work in IE. There are the *really weird* occasions where this isn't true . . . but they are really rare.<br />
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I keep hearing things like "netscrap" and all that, but the fact of the matter is that IE is a much larger program than netscape and 90% of that is code built to enable IE to read poorly written, unvalidated code.<br />
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But I rant . . . <br />
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and it appears I am preaching to the choir since you are trying to make your site work in Netscape . . so keep up the good work. You'll be a better coder for it.<br />
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:)<br />
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-beth Couldn't agree with you more Beth!!<!--content-->I have version 4.7, is this ok or should I look for a newer version?<!--content-->well, I believe that more people are still using N4.7... that will change in time. <br />
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Rock on Beth!<!--content-->Just looked at my page in a new version of Netscape 6.2 and is it ever messed up. :( <br />
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IE did not show the problems I found in NS4 and NS6 is showing even bigger problems. <br />
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Look at this page in IE, this is how it is intended to look;<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Then look at it in NS 6.2----yuck!:(<!--content-->yah so, it aitn't nothing that can't be fixed. ;)<br />
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I noticed you forgot a # on this BGCOLOR="FFFFFF"<br />
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and then Netscape will always treat tables different than IE. So you have to watch the widths and heights.<!--content-->I missed that, I was thinking part of the problem was I have quotation marks on width and height <br />
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<BODY marginwidth="0" etc-etc<br />
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Should I remove them?<!--content-->no it is better to leve them and that is a good habit to put them on.<br />
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I am taking alook at your page again in NS6.2 and see waht else I can come up with.<!--content-->was put in there to keep font from running into the pictures and that red area in NS 6 seems to be about that big, but I tried it without it and the problem is still there. :(<!--content-->hehe I found it I found it. :D:D<br />
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tell me what is wrong with this.<br />
<br />
<TD vAlign=top width=732 bgColor=#ffffff colSpan=2 BORDER="1" <td><IMG height=1 src="500pixel.gif" width=500 border=0> <DIV style="COLOR: black"><BR><br />
<CENTER><br />
<H3>RIDER PROFILE <BR>N.A.H.A. # 1 </CENTER><BR><br />
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another prime example of IE excepting broken code.<!--content-->but is the table border part of the problem and the > & < left out between <td colspan="2" img border="0" ??<br />
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And the # sign by "#FFFFFF" ?<!--content-->yes the > is left out. Netscape will not work right if the code is broken, unlike IE where it doesn't care if you write sloppy code.<br />
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I added the > and took out the <td> after it and it worked just fine.<br />
<br />
<TD vAlign=top width=732 bgColor=#ffffff colSpan=2 BORDER="1" ><IMG height=1 src="500pixel.gif" width=500 border=0> <DIV style="COLOR: black"><BR> <br />
<CENTER> <br />
<H3>RIDER PROFILE <BR>N.A.H.A. # 1 </CENTER><BR><!--content-->Need to watch myself more, learning the hard way --- but learning. :D<!--content-->