I am pulling a set of numbers from a MySQL database and am trying to do some simple math on them to calculate a total price to put into an invoice, but PHP isn't cooperating. I thought it might be a type-coercion issue, so I tried adding some \[code\]intval\[/code\] and \[code\]floatval\[/code\] calls, but still the total always comes out to 0.Here is the relevant code.\[code\]$totalSum = 0;$parts = $db->select("*", "WHERE record_id=$id", "recordparts"); foreach($parts as &$part) { $part['priceTotal'] = (floatval($part['price']) * intval($price['quantity'])) + (floatval($part['laborTime']) * floatval($price['laborRate'])); $totalSum += $part['priceTotal']; } $record['parts'] = $parts; $record['partsSum'] = $totalSum;\[/code\]And here are the results of the above operation\[code\]parts => Array (1) 0 => Array (8) id => "18" partNumber => "92-000001" record_id => "17" price => "11.5" laborTime => "2" laborRate => "65" quantity => "1" priceTotal => 0partsSum => 0\[/code\]