In our HR system, we want to calculate the number of years the employee has served the company.What we have is the joining date in \[code\]TIMESTAMP\[/code\] column.What I am doing is:\[code\]$timeNow = time(); // current time$joinDate = strtotime($users->fields['date_of_joining']); // from database$servicePeriod = $timeNow - $joinDate; // in seconds$servicePeriod = $servicePeriod / 31570560; // in years\[/code\]But will this take the leap years into consideration? If an employee joined in \[code\]Feb 27\[/code\] of a leap year and if we check the status next year by \[code\]March 1\[/code\], he should still be reported as served for \[code\]1 year\[/code\] and not \[code\]1 year and 1 day\[/code\].Any ideas on this? Thanks.