I am developing a custom user control. The user control has a property that maps to an enumeration and should not have any default value, i.e. the consumer of the control MUST set it.The property:\[code\]<Description("This is the property description"),Category("SomeCategory"), Bindable(True)>Public Property SomeProperty As Enumerations.SomeEnumeration?\[/code\]The enumeration:\[code\]Namespace Enumerations Public Enum SomeEnumeration Zero = 0 One Two End EnumEnd Namespace\[/code\]The check:\[code\]If SomeProperty Is Nothing Then Throw New ApplicationException("You must set SomeProperty.")End If\[/code\]The problem:All of the logic works. My problem is that none of the enumeration values show up in intellisense when you try to set \[code\]SomeProperty\[/code\] from markup. A colleague of mine found this related support request, so it appears to be a known issue. My question is, what is the best way to support all of the behaviors I need on this control, as well as keep intellisense on this property?