"null" in MSIE driving me crazy!


New Member
Hello I am new to this forum so I hope I can get some help. I thought I had successfully created a script that enabled a cookie displaying information to be displayed on a page. I used this:

if (phone == null) {
var phone_info = ('');
else {
var phone_info = ('<center><font color="red"><b>' + phone + '</b></font></center>');

document.write('' + phone_info + '');

(phone is the information from the cookie, obviously a telephone number)

I had everything working great until I tested it on MSIE for Windows and if there's no information from phone then MSIE displays null whereas in other browsers it just leaves it blank. No filler or anything. It's probably something stupid but I'm no expert prgrammer and I need help. Thanks in advance.
