NSXMLParser manageability with tableviews


New Member
Am I able to affect NSXMLParser, what part of XML file is parsed at the moment?let say I have a url with xml file.It has a few items and each item has 8 strings + 1 url to a picture.My concern is that..If I want to populate a table view with those items (using lazy loading?)1) How may I start and stop parsing at a particular item? I ask this because I do not have enough experience with scalability. Regarding the maximum meaningful number of items for a table view..I believe it is in hundreds maybe 1000. Is 1000 items still ok for the parser to just parse the whole xml and store those 8000 items in a array of items (item - object with 8 strings)2) How can I force the parser to parse only those items that are currently visible on screen table?3) How should I store/cache those items, that were already parsed from url? Should I use CoreData?