ns7 issue - erratic onmouseout


New Member
I'm having trouble with an onmouseout event in ns7
The html at the end is a simple example that demonstrates what I'm talking about.

When I move over the fade div, the onmouseover event fires, but when I move off, nothing happens. Then if I move the cursor back over, and then off again, the onmouseout event finally fires.

When I move over the other image and then off, the border turns color as is expected. What's the problem here? I intentionally made the functions as similar as possible to keep issues to a minimum. Is there something about the MozOpacity that I don't know about?

<script language="Javascript">
function noFade(elem, on)
if(on == 1){elem.style.MozOpacity=1;}
else if(on == 0){elem.style.MozOpacity=0.2;}
function borderOn(elem, on)
if(on == 1){elem.style.border="2px solid #ff0000";}
else if(on == 0){elem.style.border="2px solid #000000";}
.fade{-moz-opacity : 0.2;}
<div class="fade"
onmouseover="noFade(this, 1)"
onmouseout="noFade(this, 0)">
<img src=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"images/ema_logo.gif">
</div><br />
onmouseover="borderOn(this, 1)"
onmouseout="borderOn(this, 0)">
<img src="images/ema_logo.gif">