NS 4.x, table backgrounds, and layers?


I've never liked Netscape 4.X, but I'm learning to hate it.<br />
I'm just putting the finishing licks on a website and netscape is putting the hurt on me.<br />
It seems to be placing a background that I'm using in a table "in front" of the text on the page. Yes, i'm using nested tables. It only does it sometimes. I know Netscape 4.X reads the layer tag and I'm pondering a method of putting the text in a layer above the background. <br />
Sounds dangerous?<br />
I've poured over the code looking for an open cell, row, or table and have found nothing.<br />
Any suggestion?<br />
I'm hesitant to even aproach the concept of layers.<br />
Should I do it in my CSS?<br />
What exactly would it look like?<!--content-->nesting tables really screws up netscape 3 and netscape 4 lol. You wont see any hits from those browsers I would wager so dont worrie about it too much.<!--content-->I notice from looking at the stats from my other sites that around %4 are using ns 4.x...<br />
problem is, a couple old school techs who work for the business i built the site for think anything past netscape 4.7 is sent from the devil.<br />
my option are fixing the site in 4.7 or arranging an "accident", where they get crushed by a server or something.<!--content-->lol. Just use java script to detect the browser then when it says that its ns4 then have the cd tray open and shoot a cd at them which would be moving lightning fast and slice their head off before they can see the screw ups that browser wrought upon your page. :)<!--content-->Design your site against current standards and just make sure the site functions even if no CSS is used. If that means they get a boring black and white version of the site than so be it. As long as it functions properly, that's the main issue.<br />
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To solve your background problem post your code here so we can weed through it and see what is wrong with it.<!--content-->I still say slicing the head of the infidel off is the thing that needs to be done:D<!--content-->