novice desperately seeking some expert help!!!


Staff member
Can anyone help me?? Ive been trying out this code for days now (novice to script) and presumed it would be a straightforward copy and paste, replacing with my own images. All i want it to do is show two pictures at same time when user hovers mouse over the link. One being a jpg, the other a small gif. Ive made sure my images fit the heights and widths in the code. So far i just cant seem to get it right, images will not appear, show as white box with red cross. Please please please can anyone help??? i would be extremely grateful. If u go to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> u will see it as appears from the below code. Many thanks pps :)

<div ID="idPicture1" style="position: absolute; top: 155; left: 235; width: 629; height: 420">

<!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document -->
<!-- Picture Gallery Script #1 -->

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> -->

<!-- Begin
var dtext = new Image();
var dlarge = new Image();
var stext = new Image();
var slarge = new Image();
var ttext = new Image();
var tlarge = new Image();

var atext = new Image();
var alarge = new Image();
var btext = new Image();
var blarge = new Image();
var ctext = new Image();
var clarge = new Image();

dtext.src = "arctxtjs.gif";
dlarge.src = "swedepicjs.jpg";
stext.src = "luvvatxt2js.gif";
slarge.src = "scotlandjs.jpg";
ttext.src = "queentxtjs.jpg";
tlarge.src = "queenpicjs.jpg";

atext.src = "sweettxtjs.jpg";
alarge.src = "longislandjs.jpg";
btext.src = "luvvatxt2js.gif";
blarge.src = "liverpicjs.jpg";
ctext.src = "luvvatxt2js.gif";
clarge.src = "southajs.jpg";

function doButtons(textimage, picimage) {
// End -->

<!-- STEP TWO: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document -->
<body link="#66CCFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#0000FF" style="position: absolute">

<div ID="idPicture2" style="position: absolute; top: 157; left: 162; width: 609; height: 304">
<table border="1" width="479" height="329">
<td width="240" height="473"><center>
<h2><font color="#FFFFFF">Members:</font></h2>
<li><img border="0" src="newglobe.gif" width="40" height="40"><a href="" onmouseover="doButtons('arctxtjs.gif', 'swedepicjs.jpg')" onmouseout="doButtons('blank.gif', 'blank.gif')">Arctic</a><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<img border="0" src="newglobe.gif" width="40" height="40"><a onmouseover="doButtons('luvvatxt2js.gif', 'scotlandjs.jpg')" onmouseout="doButtons('blank.gif', 'blank.gif')" href="">Luvva</a></p>
<p>&nbsp; <img border="0" src="newglobe.gif" width="40" height="40"><a onmouseover="doButtons('queentxtjs.jpg', 'queenpicjs.jpg')" onmouseout="doButtons('blank.gif', 'blank.gif')" href="">Queenofalllll</a></p>
<p>&nbsp; <img border="0" src="newglobe.gif" width="40" height="40"><a onmouseover="doButtons('sweettxtjs.jpg', 'longislandjs.jpg')" onmouseout="doButtons('blank.gif', 'blank.gif')" href="">SweetDream</a></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <img border="0" src="newglobe.gif" width="40" height="40"><a href="" onmouseover="doButtons('luvvatxt2js.gif', 'liverpicjs.jpg')" onmouseout="doButtons('blank.gif', 'blank.gif')">MandyAngel</a></p>
<p>&nbsp; <img border="0" src="newglobe.gif" width="40" height="40"><a onmouseover="doButtons('luvvatxt2js.gif', 'southajs.jpg')" onmouseout="doButtons('blank.gif', 'blank.gif')" href="http://www./Spice1.html">Spice1</a></p>
<p><img name="text" src="blank.gif" width="240" height="50" border="0"></a></li>
<td width="375" height="473">
<img name="picture" src="blank.gif" width="373" height="358" border="0"></td>