

New Member

How come the notice doesnt show up?
In the future, wait at least 24hrs before bumping your thread.

If you want your notice to show up to everyone everywhere all the time, you only have to check "Not a member of Banned". Uncheck all the rest. Since you didn't say when, where and to whom your notice was to be displayed, I took a shot.
The reason why it isnt showing, because it is only shown to people that,
  • are in the Registered Users usergroup
  • aren't in the Banned Group
  • are viewing the forum 'General' and 'Official Server' & its child forums
  • have 0-10000000 posts

Try un-ticking the box 'User belongs to usergroup - Registered Users'
and it should show for you ;)
demoney420 said:
isnt that what i have yu for? now where do i get this notice admincp noob?

There is an old saying:
"Insult vbTeam members and get no help"

Now because you clearly dont have a brain cell worthy of processing information I will make this easy for you.

Look in Admin CP on the left you will see something called Notices and guess what thats where you need to look.

If it's too difficult then delete and remove your forum as its obviously beyond you.
Now because you clearly dont have a brain cell worthy of processing information I will make this easy for you.
Look in Admin CP on the left you will see something called Notices and guess what thats where you need to look.
If it's too difficult then delete and remove your forum as its obviously beyond you.

Webdud, MANE I LOVE YOUR WORDS... Bahahahah