Not understanding IIS Classic and Integrated Mode?


New Member
Here there is a good explanation pointing the difference between Classic x Integrated mode in IIS: question is: Is the application I am developing (an Asp.Net MVC application) an ISAPI extension?I am asking that because it is not very clear to me.In addition, from the first link:\[quote\] When using classic mode the server uses two piplines to handle requests, one for native code and the other for managed code. In this mode the application doesn't take full advantage of everything IIS 7.X has to offer. Integrated mode handles all requests through a unified pipeline for IIS and is tightly integrated with ASP.NET through that same pipeline. ASP.NET sees every relevant request and manipulates things along the way rather than acting as an external plugin\[/quote\][*]What king of advantages are Integrated mode to offer?From the second link:\[quote\] IIS uses the virtual location of the DLL file in the file system to map the ISAPI extension into the URL namespace that is served by IIS\[/quote\]Let