not sure where to post this one...


out to re-write the worlds wild web as we know it!

i'm in the dark on this one, this is untouched area, uncharted waters, going where no pixelmonkey has gone before, blah blah blah... chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:I'm gonna go out an a limb and give my thoughts...

You will be creating some (HTML ?) pages and putting them on CD. So far so good?

You are going to create seperate directories for Netscape and IE... not sure why that is necessary....and have some sort of script to detect resolution and display the pages accordingly. Am I with you?

Now you want to use SSI's? How can you do that? The first S in SSI is for Server....unless a PC is setup as a server would be how can it be possible to use SSI's? I don't see how that can be done.

And CGI? Once again... unless a PC is configured to run CGI/PERL scripts it ain't gonna happen.

If the CD is intended for Windows PC users you will need to use some sort of Windows programming or try and do it all in HTML/JAVA which can be run through both IE and NN.

Or maybe someone else knows something....

KevinJust an idea, but couldn't you do a PowerPoint presentation, and have it automatically launch when the CD runs?it's coming to light!!!

a multi-billion dollar idea comes to light(and NO, i'm not kidding this time!)
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:It doesn't sound very feasible to me.

You're gonna need the advice of an expert on this one. This is out of my league.

Kevinif this thread makes no sense to you, i apologize! the edited post you see listed above are in referance to an idea that is now using different completed r&d programs and scripts to do what no one else has completed.

i'll keep everyone posted later on this...

Ian, Jacob, Kevin... if you would like to delete this thread that is ok by me.