not sure how to use php soap api


New Member
I'm trying to use this wsdl with PHP's built-in SoapClient:, it doesn't seem to be working. My code:\[code\]<?php$silverpop = new SoapClient('SoapApi.xml');$result = $silverpop->Login(array('USERNAME' => 'zzz', 'PASSWORD' => 'xxx'));echo $silverpop->__getLastRequest();\[/code\]I'd expect the last request to be echo'd out but instead nothing is echo'd out making me question whether or not anything was actually sent out. Any ideas?edit: I also tried this without success:\[code\]$silverpop->__soapCall('Login', array(array('USERNAME' => 'zzz', 'PASSWORD' => 'xxx')), array('uri' => 'SilverpopApi:Engageservice', 'soapaction' => ''));\[/code\]