Not in Index but Received SERP Visitor


New Member
Its been out of Google cache and Index from last month.I don't know the reason.Then for few days googlebot just hit robots.txt and then leav but from last couple of days it try to crawl more links.But amazing thing is that i received visitor from serp.But i am not in cache or indexPlease comment how is it possible ? :rolleyes:Have you checked your inclusion in all datacenters?You visitors may be A) coming from a dtacenter that hasn't dropped you yet or B) from a datacenter that has reincluded you.It was dropped nearly 1 month ago.So i think all datacenters must have accepted that change.btw how to check serp for different datacenters ?Could you comment on what could be the reason of drop of my website?I think the mcdar siite has soemthing that will check all datacenters for you, I'm not sure though i tend not to use mcdar for anything.if nichwatch is yours i can't think of any reason for google to drop you.Yes its mine Most disturbing thing is that i am dropped and no one knows the reason. hey mong... the only posibility that seems is that some of the data centers didnt drop the time of search query as meman stated above... you could have inquired the McDar tool to confirm it...