Not displaying the percentage (%) sign


New Member
I have a percentage column, on the footer value it shows the percentage (%)
of the calculated value of column.My problem is that the percentage (%) sign doesn't show up.Code:\[code\]<trirand:JQGridColumn DataField="Percentage" HeaderText="Percentage" Searchable="false" TextAlign="Right" Width="120"> <Formatter> <trirand:CurrencyFormatter DecimalPlaces="2" DecimalSeparator="." Prefix="" Suffix="%" ThousandsSeparator="," /> </Formatter> </trirand:JQGridColumn>\[/code\]JavaScript Code:\[code\]var sum = grid.jqGrid('getCol', 'Percentage', false, 'sum');var p = 0, r = 0, rs = 0, a = 0;count = $("#JQGrid1").getGridParam("count")sum = parseFloat(((sum) / count), 10);grid.jqGrid('footerData', 'set', { Percentage: sum });\[/code\]