Noscript Firefox Extension


Staff member
I was browsing the Firefox extensions page, and I came across the "NoScripts" extension. The extension has the following features:<br /><br />1. blocks scripts from all websites except those on the "whitelist", which you can configure yourself (so you can allow TCH forums to use javascript, or your bank, while disallowing them for all websites not on your whitelist).<br /><br />2. alert bar (like WinXP SP2 pop-up blocker message) when a site that is not on your white list contains a script. You can click on this bar to show a menu that will let you allow scripts for that site (adds it to your white list). This alert bar can be disabled.<br /><br />3. Import/export whitelist.<br /><br />(They have a <a href="" target="_blank">website</a> with more information.)<br /><br />In any case, I was wondering if this is an extension that Firefox users would find useful. I have read talk in the forums about the importance of disabling scripts in your browser, but have been hesitant to do it, because it seems like such a pain to keep turning it on and off for separate pages. <br /><br />Do you think this is a good solution to that problem? Do you think it aleviates your security concerns about allowing scripts in the browser (as long as you are careful about what sites you whitelist)?<br /><br /><!--sizeo:1--><span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><b>Disclaimer:</b> I have no relationship to the creators of this script. I just found it today while surfing the Firefox extensions page.<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--content-->
Thanks for the info Paul. Me personally, I have javascript turned on but I am careful what sites I visit.<!--content-->
Wow, that sounds like a really great extension.<br /><br />I would think that such an extension would be a good thing. If you whitelist every site you visit you'll be no worse off than you are now and of course you wouldn't do that. Probably only a handfull of sites need the scripts turned on that we visit in a day so it sounds like a great addition to firefox.<br /><br />I'll be checking it out! Thanks for mentioning it.<!--content-->
I am trying this "no script" now and it works good except for one thing which I don纾