Hello, I can't seem to style Chapter 5 in the menu here on the upload.
It looks best in IE, then Firefox. Does it work in any other browsers?for what i see it works only with IE.
with firefox and opera: the menu appear and disappear in the right way...but u loose the style of the cells...
anyway I think it's better to test first with FFI second that. I always test layout in FF first as IE does weird things like automatically enlarging the height of DIVs with absolute settings.
div#absoluteWidths {height:100px; width:100px; border:1px solid #000000;}
<div id="absoluteWidths">Div tag which should have a width and height of 100 px,
but if you're looking at it in IE the height will probably be larger.
Respectively if you're looking at it in firefox you'll notice the text runs over the div area and
you'll realise you've made a mistake </div>
There's a few other examples of this sort of thing, but I can't remember them all now.can u suggest any good documentation against IE probs?positioniseverything.com and links in my sig for starters. But there are hundreds of 'em.Validate your code and fix your errors. Your css looks better in IE because you are using IE-only filters.
It looks best in IE, then Firefox. Does it work in any other browsers?for what i see it works only with IE.
with firefox and opera: the menu appear and disappear in the right way...but u loose the style of the cells...
anyway I think it's better to test first with FFI second that. I always test layout in FF first as IE does weird things like automatically enlarging the height of DIVs with absolute settings.
div#absoluteWidths {height:100px; width:100px; border:1px solid #000000;}
<div id="absoluteWidths">Div tag which should have a width and height of 100 px,
but if you're looking at it in IE the height will probably be larger.
Respectively if you're looking at it in firefox you'll notice the text runs over the div area and
you'll realise you've made a mistake </div>
There's a few other examples of this sort of thing, but I can't remember them all now.can u suggest any good documentation against IE probs?positioniseverything.com and links in my sig for starters. But there are hundreds of 'em.Validate your code and fix your errors. Your css looks better in IE because you are using IE-only filters.