Noob question - Where To Upload Logo?

If you know where you uploaded the files for your skin, the logo is usually under the yourskin/misc directory, but don't take that as gospel. It could be elsewhere.
Grinderhand said:
If you know where you uploaded the files for your skin, the logo is usually under the yourskin/misc directory, but don't take that as gospel. It could be elsewhere.

no it's in there for some other skins, but not for Darkness.
The Logo is in the /misc directory, it's just not called logo or header, it's called top.jpg or top-compressed.jpg - not sure which is being used.
Grinderhand said:
The Logo is in the /misc directory, it's just not called logo or header, it's called top.jpg or top-compressed.jpg - not sure which is being used.

ah dude thank you so much! that's exactly where it is. ty! :D
Another easy way to find it if you are using a different skin is to right click on the logo (on the homepage) and select copy image location (using firefox ofcourse). Paste it somewhere and you will see where that logo is. Then all you have to do is replace it with your own image. Might be a stupid way, but it works for me. Good luck.