Noob needs Cookie / Java help, please!


Staff member
Anybody with know-how:

I recently created a web page with frames.

One of the frames features a quote.

What I would like to happen is have the quote change every time a user visits the page.... but I'm a noob to web design.

I *think* what I need is a cookie / java combo with a persistant cookie -- Assign a number to each quote and then have a script load them in sequence (and, loop them, if possible) per visit.

Also, I'd like to randomize the first visit if possible, so if some dumb bunny deletes their cookies they won't necessarily start over again at the same place.

..I don't know how do do any of this.

Plus, I was wondering if anyone knew if to get this accomplished I actually have to make numberous pages to load into that frame space or can I just have the text I need loaded from a master text file(s)?

Remember, I'm a noob. I'm not computer dumb, just new to java & cookies & such. Any help would be appreciated... Especially if you have code I could just copy and paste.


- Some guy named Ed