nokia kml parsing


New Member
I am using the Nokia Maps Javascript API for a mapping feature on my website. My site dynamically generates a kml file based on user's credentials.The PHP Script that generates the *.kml file appears to function correctly and stores the file in a directory on the server.The idea is then to pass the user id to the page which loads up the mapping interface, this is then used to point the page to the correct kml file, and display the map accordingly. This is where it all falls apart. I can see in Chrome's console that the user id is successfully passed and so the file pointed to is correctly addressed. However I am hit with an error stating that Access-Control-Allow-Origin: (name of php page which generates the kml) is not allowed access? I tried adding a header to the page, to no avail...The result is that the map loads, but loads to the default center position.Could anyone please offer some advice?