Nobody Knows?


Hello everyone,<br />
I have an issue that I am dealing with, so maybe you guys know a better way.<br />
I have developed 5 .shtml pages. I am bringing the pages together (Like a puzzle) with the include statment (see below). Everything works great though I am wonering about the header. The header has a navbar. The problem is how do I dynamically make the button on the nav bar light up when you go to that page without creating another header.shtml. There has got to be another way to accomplish this.. Please advise.. You are welcome to ICQ me @ 10070548<br />
Thanks, Dan<br />
<br />
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />
<!--#include virtual="header.shtml" --><br />
<!--#include virtual="left.shtml" --><br />
<!--#include Virtual="service_content.shtml" --><br />
<!--#include virtual="right.shtml" ---><br />
<!--#include virtual="footer.shtml" --><!--content-->Hmmm Strange! I thought the folks on this board were experts....<!--content-->The people who frequent these boards have lives, jobs, and committments. We live in different time zones. And we don't get paged every time someone like you runs short of patience merely two hours after posting a question. <br />
<br />
perhaps this might illuminate you. <br />
<br />
If your using an include for the navigation, I'd suggest coupling with some server side coding (keyword: DYNAMIC). Then you can use your navbar like this: <a href="news.cfm?clicked=news">News</a><br />
<br />
and on your nav.shtml you can include the bit of server side coding that would:<br />
<br />
if (clicked=="news"){<br />
show lit up news text/ image/ whatever<br />
}else{<br />
show regular news text/ image/ whatever<br />
}<!--content-->I am sorry for the impatients... Sometimes it happens when you have a problem and your looking for an answer! Thanks for your reply... Oh By the way I have a job too well maybe a life in there some where..<!--content-->