No0b question

i'm sorry, but this is a very No0bie question:<br />
<br />
how would i make a link which opens something in a new window??<br />
<br />
:eek: :eek:<!--content--><a href="link here" target="new"><!--content-->>> <a href="link here" target="new"> <<<br />
<br />
Psst. Wanna help the page rank a bit better in Google? Change it to:<br />
<br />
>> <a href="linkhere.htm" target="new" title="some text about the page"> <<<br />
<br />
<br />
Can someone give a concise summary of the differences between target="new", target="_top", target="_blank", and other notations seen from time to time?<!--content-->More info:<br />
If you want users to stay visiting, it is a good idea to have your <br />
out-of-site links come up in a "new" browser widow. You can do<br />
this very easily by adding a very small ammount of code to your links code. <br />
<br />
For example: <br />
<a href="">Click here to visit my friend's site</a> <br />
<br />
Add this code- target="_blank" to the end of the href tag like this: <br />
<a href="" target="_blank">Click here to visit my friend's<br />
site</a> <br />
<br />
When your text is clicked on now, the site will openend up in a new window,<br />
and your site will still be accessible right underneath the new window. <br />
Now the user can visit your linked site, and your own at the same time without any worry. <br />
-----<br />
TARGET="_blank" Used to Open Link in "new" browser window and first site will still be accessible right underneath the new window<br />
TARGET="_top" replaces used window by new one<br />
TARGET="new" Used to Open Link in "new" browser window ...<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... arget.html</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
As regards to TARGET values, "_blank" has a special meaning while<br />
"new" is treated just as an author-selected name, not essentially<br />
different from "qwerty". This means that a link with TARGET="new" will<br />
reuse an existing window opened by another link with the same TARGET<br />
attribute (the same window name), This may or may not be better than<br />
what happens with TARGET="_blank". See<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
for information about predefined target names.<br />
<br />
And:<br />
<br />
Problem with using target="_new" (or target="_anything_other_than_blank") is<br />
that you are naming the window with the name of "new" AND opening it at the<br />
same time. If you open another window using target="_new" the previously<br />
opened window (that you named "new") will be used instead of creating<br />
another browser window... target="_blank" is a "reserved word function"<br />
which opens a new window every time it is used. If you want to re-use the<br />
same window instead of opening a separate browser then what you are doing is<br />
correct (you will only have one window opened and it will be re-used each<br />
time you tell the link to re-use the window named "new".. To avoid<br />
confusion you may want to name your re-usable windows something other than<br />
"new'.. something like "images" would be appropriate if you are re-using the<br />
same browser window to display a series of images)<br />
<br />
here is some reading for you on this subject:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />