No updation on home pages


New Member
A strange thing happened after the page rank updation. Most of the sites only had the page ranks of internal pages updated, the homepages did not show any alteration in their ranks. Any others who experienced similar things? and any idea why?It happened to me also, my homepage remained PR1, while other incresed to PR3, sometimes it happens... kashyapMy home page went from a PR0 to PR2 while my internal pages went from PR0 to PR4.I was wondering if maybe my home page was somehow being penalized.My homepage went from a PR6 to 5 and some internal pages went up and others down. It does seem like an erratic kind of update. Perhaps Google is still working the bugs out and we'll see an update to the update (or then again perhaps we will need to wait another 3 months). This is what I was saying in another thread. I don't think this was a regular update. The only pages that increased in PR for me were PR0 pages.Other things I noticed -1/ I have 2 sites where the new PR0 link's page Pagerank increased, even past the Homepage Pagerank. Homepage has a 2 (new site) and links page has a 3. This tells me that the Homepage Pagerank was not updated.2/ I have 3 new pages for one client. All were PR0. The one that has been up for 1.5 months received a 7, the one that has been around for about 3 weeks received a 4, the one that has been around for a week (before the update) received a 0 (from a gray bar). All have backlinks from the exact same internal pages on the site. This tells me that Google ranked according to the amount of time the site has been live (besides the regular way it ranks PR).Interesting..., Any new algorithm being developed by G?kashyap