No title bar, status bar, or scroll bars?


Is it possible to have a page with no title bar, no status bar and no scroll bars, basically just the page?<br />
<br />
I know this is possible in full screen mode but I was wondering if it can be done with just a normal window that is not full screen?<br />
<br />
Any help will be greatly appreciated,<br />
Thanks in advance<!--content-->I think it's a script. Get it here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... meless.htm</a><!-- m -->).<!--content-->here it is, i had it on my computer (i think it came from dynamic drive)<br />
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="chromeless_35.js"></script><br />
<script language="javascript"><br />
<br />
/*<br />
Chromeless Window (v3.5)- By Gabriel Suchowolski (this credit MUST stay intact)<br />
Author site at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
Visit <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> for this script<br />
*/<br />
<br />
//For paramater explanations, see accompanying faq.htm file<br />
function openIT(u,W,H,X,Y,n,b,x,m,r) {<br />
var cU ='close.gif' //gif for close on normal state.<br />
var cO ='close.gif' //gif for close on mouseover.<br />
var cL ='clock.gif' //gif for loading indicator.<br />
var mU ='minimize.gif' //gif for minimize to taskbar on normal state.<br />
var mO ='minimize.gif' //gif for minimize to taskbar on mouseover.<br />
var xU ='max.gif' //gif for maximize normal state.<br />
var xO ='max.gif' //gif for maximize on mouseover.<br />
var rU ='restore.gif' //gif for minimize on normal state.<br />
var rO ='restore.gif' //gif for minimize on mouseover.<br />
var tH ='<font face=verdana size=2>Chromeless Window</font>' //title for the title bar in html format.<br />
var tW ='Chromeless Window' //title for the task bar of Windows.<br />
var wB ='#D5D5FF' //Border color.<br />
var wBs ='#D5D5FF' //Border color on window drag.<br />
var wBG ='#D5D5FF' //Background of the title bar.<br />
var wBGs='#D5D5FF' //Background of the title bar on window drag.<br />
var wNS ='toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=0' //Html parameters for Netscape.<br />
var fSO ='scrolling=auto noresize' //Html parameters for main content frame.<br />
var brd =b||5; //Extra border size.<br />
var max =x||false; //Maxzimize option (true|false).<br />
var min =m||false; //Minimize to taskbar option (true|false).<br />
var res =r||false; //Resizable window (true|false).<br />
var tsz =20; //Height of title bar.<br />
return chromeless(u,n,W,H,X,Y,cU,cO,cL,mU,mO,xU,xO,rU,rO,tH,tW,wB,wBs,wBG,wBGs,wNS,fSO,brd,max,min,res,tsz)<br />
}<br />
<br />
</script><br />
<br />
yeah it did. then use this to launch it:<br />
<p><a href="#" onclick="mywin001=openIT('',600,400,null,null,'mywin001',5,true,true,true);return false"><br />
Open</a><br />
<br />
<p><a href="#" onclick="mywin002=openIT('',550,600,null,null,'mywin002',5,false,false,true,'#FF8000','#FFC184');return false"><br />
Dynamic Drive FAQs</a><br />
<br />
there. you will also to to Download <!--more--> this... wait, it wont let me attach during edit. i'll make another post (great now yall are gonna go off on me about post counts).<!--content-->here it is<!--content-->I've been looking into this, and had trouble with the codes for chromeless windows, I think I may have neglected to use the right path to the file, or 'windowname' somewhere along the way. You can see what I did at <br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and when I use the sample link that reads open chromeless, in the bar at the bottom instead of the url of the page I tried to open, it reads "urlofpagethepagelinkison#", and when I use the link I get "error on page".<br />
<br />
The idea using "=no..." sounds easier to me... but if anyone is kind enough to help me out with either route here's what I really want to do...<br />
<br />
I want the above index page to open up as chromeless or full screen, to use as an entry page to my site, which is located at a different, much longer and impossible for my freinds to remember url/host.<br />
<br />
Anyway, thank you for any help.<!--content-->