No Tiled Background?


Staff member
I need to have the background in this code NOT tile...and I don't want to use CSS (if I don't have to)...can it be done? <br />
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<html> <br />
<head> <br />
<title>Untitled Document</title> <br />
<head> <br />
</head> <br />
<br />
<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" bgcolor="white" text="#000000" background="images\background.gif"> <br />
</body> <br />
</html> <br />
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Any help would be greatly appreciated.<!--content-->well, i would tell you to stretch it in the code, but it might end up looking really grainy and icky...<br />
You could also put it into an image program (paint shop pro or Adobe photoshop) and resizing it to fit the size of you page. <br />
Again, if it is a really small image or really intricate, it may look absolutely hideous as one whole background graphic. I usually try graphics by putting them on my desktop as tiled, centered (usually with a black frame around it) or as a whole picture. Keep in mind that people might have larger or smaller screens than you do, so they might see your background a little differently.<br />
See Ya!<br />
~~~stargal1998~~~<!--content-->Thanks for the input Stargal, but the image is big and can't be stretched...sooooo...any other suggestions?<br />
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Maybe, can I put CSS within the HTML coding? I haven't worked with CSS is a long time so that's why I was trying to solve this with minimal effort.<br />
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Still looking for solutions. Thanks again stargal<!--content-->maybe use one of those programs and shrink it to fit the image, if you keep it at scale it should look the same...<!--content-->You need to use CSS, but it's fairly simple. Just add this to your <body> tag:<br />
style="background-repeat: no-repeat"<br />
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Adam<!--content-->Thanks Adam....that worked great.<br />
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Thanks for your help too Stargal.<!--content-->