no sales ???


New Member
Hi, I have a site (pr4 only one backlink) where I am selling an educational dvd on Antonio Gaudi, Barcelona, filmed in 1986. The site has been up now about 5 months and I have not had a single sale yet using paypal, perhaps there is an error in my code somewhere, any help would be great thanks , Patrick.http://www.patrickegan.orghmmm.would that be a good hmmm ! or a bad one ?, has anyone had trouble with the paypal button script. I used one of those programs to optimise my site for search engines but I guess at the end of the day in depends on links,I have 27 "contain the term" and 1 link from myself, although I did have 2 from google and dmoz but they dissapeared and the google one turned up in "contain the term". My ranking was 13 then 320 and at the moment is back to 21 for the keyword "antonio Gaudi" in Google, Patrick.You could test it by buying one yourself....I noticed that amazon is selling a DVD for $ it the same one....that could be the problem.Do you get any traffic?about 600 visits a month at the momentReDesign.I wouldnt buy from that page.looks to ammature.sorry but its true.also check your pay pal.If I hadn't read your post, I would not have even have known that you were selling anything from the web page you posted.You should at a bare minimum show the price that you are selling the item for on the page. And perhaps have some text that reads something like "Buy now," or "purchase your copy here"Reorganizing the page would not hurt either.A professional looking page is the key for sales. 600 a month seems like good traffic. Do you use AdWords too?I dont use adsence although maybe I should, but thanks for the advice everyone I'll get cracking on a new look for my site and I'll get back to ye when its done, thanks, Patrick.Hi, I have started work on the new look , the first page is done and I should have the the link pages updated shortly, any advice would be helpfull, thanks , Patrickhttp://www.patrickegan.orgI just took a look - now i dopnt know if you updated yet or not - but i agree - your current page doesn't tell me anything - i clicked onto it - read the info - thought ok what now.... then left.....If you are going to sell sell something let people know your selling it!I agree with Jess. From an SEO standpoint a few things. You have alt tags -- thats good. But you need to have them vary a little. You should also use the < h1> for your title. I would remove the frame text boxes and expand the page. I would also add text bites with snippets of critics reviews that were favorable, as well as any good feedback from viewers. I would add a page about the creator(you, right) separate from the text on the main page. Showcase yourself and get listed on sites that feature film producers. Those would be great for free traffic. You need to make everything about the site scream buy this DVD!