No-right click (HTMl or java script code)?


Hi there,<br />
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New to this all....<br />
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Wanted to know whether anyone has a good code I can use on my homepage which will disable viewers from saving photos from my website to their hard drive - I have found a number of simple java scripts on-line however all my photos open up in a separate browser and therefore non of the java scripts I have found are relevant.<br />
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Any ideas or feedback would be highly appreciated.<br />
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email: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><br />
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Thanxxxxxxxxxxx<br />
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*cosmicalgirl<!--content-->Do a search of these forums and you'll come across plenty of information on the topic.<br />
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It should be noted that a no-right click script doesn't provide any real protection for your images or source code. I suggest using some form of encryption for your for source code, (see my post on this page (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=13981</a><!-- m -->) for links).<br />
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Even if someone couldn't right click on your images, they could press the print screen button and paste your images into a photo/graphic editor. A watermark will at least "brand" your images.<br />
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Havik<!--content-->No right click codes are stupid, they dont protect your site, all one has to do is look in his cache to find all your images and your html doccuments.<!--content-->unless u do aflash file that everything is inside<br />
otherwise<br />
by typing the fll link of your image its can be d/l in a sec<br />
more thn that if the user go to view->source<br />
he see all l the linkS!!!!<br />
the only way maybe to some how to protect it is by d/l a pic fom a redirect in the link<br />
but for that u need a DB<!--content-->Thanx All.....<br />
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Half of what you all said is double dutch to me (I'm only a novice at the whole programming game)...but I get the general idea.<br />
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Cheers<br />
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*cosmicalgirl<!--content-->Originally posted by pelegk1 <br />
unless u do aflash file that everything is inside<br />
otherwise<br />
by typing the fll link of your image its can be d/l in a sec<br />
more thn that if the user go to view->source<br />
he see all l the linkS!!!!<br />
the only way maybe to some how to protect it is by d/l a pic fom a redirect in the link<br />
but for that u need a DB lol you could just steal the whole flash file :) But also someone can still steal a pic by taking a screen shot, or like I said looking in his or her cache.<!--content-->Oh I just found this on a web sites source code, this might help protect, by not allowing cache. This is bad if you have a lot of images though because users have to load them each time the login. Use this in the head of your page<br />
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<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"><br />
<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="no-cache"><br />
<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="must-revalidate"><br />
<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="max-age=0"><!--content-->Gottcha......:D <br />
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My site is only through Geocities and I don't get too many hits anyway...its mainly designed so my friends can get a bit of a better insight into ME.<br />
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Thanx for the help though...its always good to learn that little bit extra more.<br />
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*cosmicalgirl<!--content-->Originally posted by PeOfEo <br />
this might help protect, by not allowing cache.I bet you can still get the source out of the cache if you view your cache while you are still on the page... For browsers to display the page, it must be cached somewhere. I'm fairly certain that the no cache headers just tell the browser to delete it when you are finished view it.<!--content-->You can maybe use expires or something... well probably not. The moral of the story is copy right your code then sue them if you catch them stealing, or atleast B@#$% them out. And water mark all of your images.<!--content-->Two thumbs up to Opera. Y'all satans out there can't prevent me opera from right-clicking :)<br />
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*just kiddin'*<br />
But true, Opera doesn't disable right clicking.<!--content-->I can get around those with IE most of the time, but thanks for telling me I didnt know that.<!--content-->In IE, you can do File----> Save As when you're on a website. IE saves the images, external style sheets, and external javascript files in a folder called "WHATEVERYOUSAVEDITAS_files".<br />
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If you watermark things, you don't want to do it on the best part of your pic, you'll wanna put it in the corner. But then you can use the clone stamp tool in Photoshop.<!--content-->Very good point but water marking is the only option unless you are link some people who chop their images up into tiny peices and position them to make one big one... but then someone can just take a screen shot and not go through the hassle of pussling them together.<!--content-->