No Rewriteengine?


I have been having problems with my site over the last week or so (server 35), especially with 500 Internal Server Errors. I submitted a help ticket and got this back:<br /><br />"/home/site/public_html/.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration"<br /><br />Hmm, I haven't changed any configuration, or any way the site is setup really, in over a year. I never had any problems with using "RewriteEngine" before.<br /><br />Was something changed so we can no longer use this? I took it out and the site does seem to load now. D'oh! If we can't use it anymore I'm going to have to change how everything is setup, sigh./<!--content-->
I updated your help desk ticket. Your rewrite rules should work again now.<!--content-->
Wow, cool. Thanks! I went through it and had it working without it since it was only a small change afterall. I use Forcetype for most of my url rewriting (for pseudo-static pages), but a couple I used that for.<!--content-->