No follow links for SERP rankings


New Member
We all know that you can say a certain link is a quality link by checking if it is relevant, high PR and especially if it is a do-follow. Do follow links helps our website to gain link juice just for PR purposes and no-follow has no link juice so it doesn't help us to gain PR for a certain page right? Here is my first question, does no follow links helps us in ranking our keywords? Second, aside from traffic, what are the benefits of forums posting? Hope I could get good answers. I honestly believe that the nofollow tag is really only to keep sites from passing page rank, which is of course a Google thing. Yahoo and Bing clearly ignore the tag so I think you can still rank well on those engines even with nofollow. Google does record nofollow links, now whether or not if they still pass anchor text juice I would yes, but the amount of credit given is very, very small.

The main benefit from forum posting is that you get to learn something new every day by getting your questions answered. Thank you for posting my thread. But I would like to change my second question (sorry for the mistake) Aside from traffic what are the benefits of forum signature links? I would say traffic and branding. The more you post on high traffic forums the better chance you have at others getting to know about your company and services. But it is a good idea to stay in your niche when doing this. The sigs can also provide some serp help, but again try to stay in your niche and use the right anchor text. Hope this helps.

Quote: Originally Posted by maxine25 Thank you for posting my thread. But I would like to change my second question (sorry for the mistake) Aside from traffic what are the benefits of forum signature links? I have more than 3,000 links between this and another forum where I am a moderator. I am in the top 190 for seo copywriting. Not so hot, eh? So what does that tell you? Check 'seo web design' and tell me where ranks; probably in the top 20. Decent, perhaps, but I have built links for the site for years; that rank is not from the forum links. The page which my forum signature links on copywriting doesn't even have toolbar PageRank. What does that tell you?

It tells *me* that if I want to do get more copywriting business from website leads, I need to get more backlinks from sites other than forums to that page.

I have gotten significant business from my forum participation. There are a lot of people who lurk and choose consultants based on the quality of their posts. And I get tremendous satisfaction from it on a personal level. But I definitely don't do it for the link value.

If that's why people are posting here, they are wasting their time, IMO. Hey Maxine, while there is some debate to this topic, we know that the actual context/content of the keywords you're using in your links will have a bit of relevance toward your 'link juice'. Also, if your link happens to use your URL, you'll get a little juice simply for the 'domain mention'. But if you're using anchor text on your link with your keywords, and it's a NoFollow, you're pretty much spinning your wheels. You can only hope for a bit of traffic from that, at the most. Not quite enough to boost your PR much, unless you do it A LOT and your traffic helps your page. Quote: Originally Posted by maxine25 We all know that you can say a certain link is a quality link by checking if it is relevant, high PR and especially if it is a do-follow. Do follow links helps our website to gain link juice just for PR purposes and no-follow has no link juice so it doesn't help us to gain PR for a certain page right? Here is my first question, does no follow links helps us in ranking our keywords? Second, aside from traffic, what are the benefits of forums posting? Hope I could get good answers. Hi, maxine25

For first question, no follow backlinks have no PR values for linked pages;
For second question, right, even no follow ones would be helpful for SERP purpose if only you use right targeted keyword as anchor text;
For third question, forum posting or replying would be helpful for building backlinks and sometimes drive direct traffics to your sites, especially on those niche relative sites.

Wish this help, When i recently read Matt Cutt's blog about the same thing then he told specifically that no-follow links are considered but in certain cases only. Still its sure that Matt never gives out exact answer but rolls out question around facts.

Better concentrate on getting links even if they are no-follow or do-follow. Quote: Originally Posted by grandhampton786 No follow links are not useful for your web site.Its totally useless and not helpful in your web site ranking. Well, no.

First of all, as has been said several times before in this thread, links of any sort can be excellent for traffic if they are from related sites.

In addition to traffic from customers, another webmaster may click to your site from a no follow link, find something useful and give you a followed link!

And last I heard, Google is the only one that doesn't give your site "credit" for no follow links. There *are* other search engines who do!

So, no followed links can definitely impact your SERPs positively.

The message is: seek related, quality links, and stop worrying about *how* it might help you. A related link is useful. Period. I think the real truth is that nobody really knows what the "nofollow" tag does exactly as far as how it effects SERPS. Google doesn't tell us much.. and what they do tell us, I'm not so sure I believe. My mother always said if I told the truth I wouldn't have to remember the stories I made up.

I know many believe Google tried to pull the wool over our eyes, and I am not going to say they tell us everything, or are 100% forthright, but by and large, I think they are straight with us.

There are a lot of clever SEO programmers who are very good at testing what Matt and other Googlers say.

Quote: Originally Posted by AirForce1 For second question, right, even no follow ones would be helpful for SERP purpose if only you use right targeted keyword as anchor text; I've heard people suggest there may be some boon from the anchor text in a no-follow link, but apparently that would an exception to the rule.

On anchor text and no follow, Google's Matt Cutts wrote in his blog (June 15, 2009 - :

Quote: Nofollow links definitely don