No file extention...


Hey all,<br />
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hoping someone here can help me out. I noticed that apple used a format on it's tv add where the url included the root directory, and a file name without an extention. When I typed it in, it appeared that the server added the "/" I thought I was going to have to add. <br />
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Is there a way to set up the server to recognize requests from the user even if they don't add the final "/"?<br />
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I'm imagining I'm going to have to use it soon and was wondering if anyone knows how to make this work?<br />
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Lincoln<!--content-->that is automatic for the browser, it adds it.<!--content-->not true...try this:<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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vs.<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><!--content-->I am sorry, I thought you were talking about the ending slash after .com<br />
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why would you do that? bad technique as the brower can get confused on it being a folder or a file, not everybody does it so why would you have to sooner or later?<br />
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besides that is still on the server. each server is setup to have a defualt index file, either it being a default.html or index.html. the server admin can change it to be whatever so that is the first place it looks if the user doesn't finish typing the extension. if none found then it looks for a folder.<br />
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again, bad technique if you want to do this.<!--content-->Believe me, I agree with you 100%. It's terrible technique, but the VP of marketing doesn't give a rat's ass about html technique. As a matter of fact I kinda made an -ss of myself by telling him it couldn't be done, and if it did it would only cause problems...he didn't care.<br />
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Sadly he saw the new apple commercial where they have their url without an extention and now I have to cover my butt and make that work on our site as well...<br />
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Thank you scoutt for your prompt resopnses, I know it's an odd and "bad format" topic, but I promise it's only going to be asked about more as time goes on...<br />
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L<!--content-->hey that's no problem. I understand what you are under so I will explain it best I could.<br />
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the main reason you are having so much trouble is because of Netscape. the brwoser is really picky when it comes to urls and extensions.<br />
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depending on the server (Apache or Windows) if it is setup correctly it will have a default file per directory. when you type in <br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
<br />
it is looking for directory default2 and the default file in that directory. IE doesn't care about this. it just works huh? NS doesn't like it and usually doesn't go with the standard default file, hence why you are having problems.<br />
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there is nothing really you can do but make sure you have a default file in each folder that the server as designated as the default index file. usually it is index.html or index.php or index.asp, which ever is present.<br />
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being that AOL uses IE it just works huh? :)<br />
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hope that explains a little of it, and if I am straying from the truth somebody will correct me :P<!--content-->a-hah...I think I'm starting to catch's the scenrario as it stands...we're going to be releasing a product called the "SmartPack". I'm going to be asked to add a page for our users to go to that will have all sorts of garbage about it, and that the end user should be able to type in:<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
<br />
and be taken to the page...I'll in turn have to create the file at this location for this to work correctly:<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
<br />
once that page is created the link should work? God I hope so cause this is a real pain in the butt.<br />
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Agian, thanks for your help : )<br />
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sorry...still in the oldschool smiles...<!--content-->Apple didn't put a file extension on a URL? Hoo-boy! Someone messed up! Even *I* know that just because Macs are smart enough to figure out what kind of a file something is without an extension, doesn't mean that PCs are, and anything that goes on the web is going to have to go through at least one PC-type server - either at your end or at the users end (the ISP) - and that makes file extensions mandatory. Ah, but he's the boss and he knows everything right? (snurffle)<br />
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As for getting the link to work, I'm pretty sure what's you've got will do the trick. I've seen other pages done up like that. Failing that, you could just create a link that calls up the browser, without having the user type in anything. Couldn't you?<br />
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*g* And not to worry about the smilies. I don't use the properly half the time, either.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->Originally posted by ltheiler1 <br />
the VP of marketing ... <br />
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The real problem is that the VP of marketing has no business telling IT how to design a site. Marketing does marking, IT does technology. Tell that shnizer to get his head back up his portfolio where it belongs! ;)<!--content-->didn't you know Doc - everyone's an expert!<br />
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thankfully, I got a boss who, while not understanding everything accepts that me and my colleague know what we're talking about.<br />
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Unfortunately, our MD is another matter, but we can usually talk him out of silly ideas (or fake it).<br />
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Get this - he did not want us to allow people to see our page by simply typing in the company's domain name. Instead, we have to type in the filename as well. Simply done in IIS (remove the default page names) - but pretty pointless.<!--content-->Originally posted by ltheiler1 <br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
<br />
and be taken to the page...I'll in turn have to create the file at this location for this to work correctly:<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
<br />
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you bet, that should work just fine, in IE ;)<!--content-->fantastic, I'll be giving it a shot when I get back to the office tomorrow. Thanks agian for all the help...<br />
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I'll tell the VP to go back to watching german schiza videos durring work hours and to refrain from actuall thought...that way everyone else can get their jobs done.<!--content-->There is another way of doing the "filename with no extension" thing. <br />
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It needs a lot of server setup. Look on Google for Content Negotiation. There is a recent article at to read too.<br />
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You are best off going with the suggestions listed above though.<!--content-->Originally posted by ltheiler1 <br />
I'll tell the VP to go back to watching german schiza videos durring work hours and to refrain from actuall thought...that way everyone else can get their jobs done. Good grief!! They do that? I thought they were like the old radio tubes - vaccuum packed. <br />
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Goes to show what I know, huh? ;)<br />
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