
New Member
Ive been trying to get into the DMOZ directory for like 7 months now. Still nothing. I am going to the right directories, doing all the requirements.What do you think may be happening?Thank youYou may ask editors there for you site status, visit to post your requestkashyapI would just submit and forget about it. The bulk of the submissions that some editors add are actually not from the que at all, but rather sites they found on their own.Remember - a watched kettle never boils. That's how i like to think about DMOZ submissions.Maybe there is no editor in that category.Or you might have a Mickey Mouse editor, Beavis and Butthead editor, a slacker, a loser...I check my DMOZ list twice a month.When somebody submit a web site, I will deal with it right away.Some people are slackers. and any one of them can become your editor.ALSO.MAYBE. Your web site has something illegal, that your site had been deleted.There are number of possibilities.Take a look at the bottom of the cat you submitted your site to and see when the last time it was updated and track it. If the cat hasn't been updated in a year, you'll probably going to continue to wait. If it was updated yesterday and you see a trend that it is updated every week, something was probably wrong with your submission.As far as editors adding sites, I am the editor of a few different cats and usually do not start adding sites I find until I review all the sites in que.I wouldn't submit and forget as DMOZ says though. You could do that, ask about your site 6 months later, and find out that the first week you submitted your site, you made a submission error and it was deleted.I submitted my latest site on 12/31/04 to this category ... category has no editor and was Last update: 23:56 PT, Wednesday, November 10, 2004.Be sure and get updates from the forum at as often as allowed. The last time I checked the rules you could ask about the status of your request, 30 days after submission, and then each six months after that.Word of warning - do not re-submit your site thinking it will receive preference or get you listed quicker.Re-submitting actually over-writes your initial timestamp submission and will move you back in the queue. Btw, DMOZ submission is frustratingly (and unacceptably) slow and given way too much credence as an influential directory.Hey Rtchar - nice site and interesting product.George_Gambino ... thank you for taking a look at my site.I know not to resubmit ... that is a very BAD THING.Quote:vetofunk wrote:From DMOZ site FAQ ...Quote:ATNO/TW wrote:I follow you. I've been glancing about looking for that exact thing. Just trying to be sure the content fits the category. Thanks.Quote: