I know this problem has been posted millions of times before, but this might be different.I am using a sql table with columns id,year,month,pdffilein my webpage, I would like the user to view the pdf document that they would like to see from what time frame they choose.so far with this:\[code\]string year = ddlYear.SelectedValue.ToString(); string month = ddlMonth.SelectedValue.ToString();pdfFrame.Attributes["src"] = "../pdfDocs.ashx?Year=" + year + "&Month=" + month;\[/code\]it loads the pdf, if it is there. that is my problem.how would I catch the error in my question title? I want to catch that error and display a message in a label to the user saying that no file was found. I am using a handler to read the varbinary that is my pdf file.Here is the handler code:\[code\]SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(@"Server=DEV6\MSSQLHOSTING;Database=Intranet;Trusted_Connection=True;");conn.Open();SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select PDFDocument from LeaveChart where (Year like @Year and Month like @Month)", conn);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Year", context.Request.QueryString["Year"]);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("Month", context.Request.QueryString["Month"]);SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();reader.Read();byte[] content = (byte[])reader.GetValue(0);MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(content);ms.Position = 0;context.Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf";ms.WriteTo(context.Response.OutputStream);context.Response.End();reader.Close();conn.Close();\[/code\]like I said, that works to display present files. can anyone offer some suggestions?is it possible to send a message from the handler back to the web page saying no file and how to display it without shocking the customer?thanks in advance