nightmare.NET - Crash course please


Staff member
I consider myself advanced in the fields of CSS, HTML and ASP.

I've been given the task of taking a web application written in ASP.NET and fixing it since it's not exactly useful or functional right now. The guy who originally wrote it left so...

I need to know the basics on this. I am using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 to build the code. I wish I could just use notepad like I'm used to, but I guess I need that program to compile stuff. (?)

The first thing I started to do is remove all the <table> tags use for layout purposes. That really gets to me. When I put a <style> tag in the <head> the program tells me "The active schema does not support the element 'style'." What's with that?

Do I need these META tags for the pages to function?

<meta name="GENERATOR"
content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1">
<meta name="CODE_LANGUAGE"
content="Visual Basic .NET 7.1">
<meta name="vs_defaultClientScript"
<meta name="vs_targetSchema"

Do I have to use these asp: tags for all the form elements? Is there a way to change the output of these elements? Right now they're inserting tabs, whitespace and self closing tags which I dont need. Can't I just Response.Write the values like I'm used to in ASP, or is it better to just learn how to use these tags correctly?

What's with this datagrid crap?

Any suggestions are welcome...god I almost just want to rewrite the whole thing in ASP, but I'm not because I'd like to learn this it worth it?You do not have to use, I don't use it. You can still code in notepad. If you want to compile you can probably just paste it into vs at the end and compile, but there are other ways to compile the code IIRC.

You do not need the event oriented elements, you can use the same html forms you are used to and use request.forms, but using the event oriented elements generally will save you some time. Also the datagrid and repeater will save you time too. It does not take too long to pick up and I bet you will find it a more comfortable environment in the end. A lot of stuff is streamlined.

<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> has some great resources.Yeah, you can dump all of the meta tags and yes it complains about the style and link tags, but you can still use them.

PEofE is right, if you are more comfortable coding in Notepad, go ahead. Set up a project in VS, write your code in notepad, and save the documents in the project location with proper filenames. When you are ready to compile, open up your project in VS, add your code documents into your project as exising items and then compile.

It is very much so worth learning. Besides classic ASP is getting older and I'm guessing that since you have to rewrite this app in .Net, that means your employer is moving in that direction?

I always recommend the tutorials section of <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> to people new to ASP+.I understand that old habits die hard but using VS.NET can save you a great deal of time and for developers time is money. anyways thats just an opinion..

No you don't need to user meta tags in .net page and it would be far better to use code-behinded approach... it helps alot if you are making a heavy graphics website as you need to edit alot of html during the course of development

Happy surfing;