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When is the next update of backward links and PR going to be aproximately? In the last one my links and PR went up but then went back down a couple days later to the old status. I also got indexed in the dmoz and can't wait to see the results full updates (deep crawls) happen once a month about. the last one was towards the end of the month. so my guess would be 2-3 for backward links updates.. uh, no one knows, really. they don't happen as often as any of us would like.if your pr is going up and down it may be do to the different datacenters having different information. try using things like, etc.How did you get into DMOZ? They still let sites in? yes, of course they let sites in.I've had some of my sites listed within a few days. if you're in a bad category, it might take a while though.How long does zeal take to review website?1 day ? 1 week ?all of these directories are run by volunteers. some people get in within minutes, some people might have to wait a year.there's no way to tell. just submit and hope you get in.And then forget about it. You'll know eventually if you got indexed by checking your backlinks on the update...much nicer to be surprised by a result than waiting every day!true. just let it be.. Next PR update should be anytime now, no?Hopefully it will be soon, I think my PR5 site may jump to a PR 6 or 7. I have been cramming backlinks the past few days.the more the merrier? coz for my topic, travel, it's hard to find high PR websites around and even when there are some ard, it's hard to get a link too.most of the travel websites fall within range of 4-7According to the past three month experiences of the google; there must be a big crawl at the end of the this week with backlinks update and at the beginnig of the next week , the backlinks must be updated!