

Staff member
Hello, I'm using Dreamweaver UltraDev for ASP, but its only limited to certain functions and since I have no idea how to write ASP myself, Im a little stuck with what Id like to do!

I've a Windows 2003 server with CDONTs enabled.

I've discovered how to send emails to my registered members when another user writes a personal message to let the recipient know they have a new message in their account inbox.

However, now Id like to send Newsletters to all my members but can't find out any information from the net so I was helping Id get some personalised help from you kind folks here :)

Id like all messages to be sent blind carbon copy and have a form where I can write the message in HTML and personalised by starting the email with
"Dear USER"

My database is called ALDRIDGE and the table where all the details are is called MEMBERS.

The collumn where the email addresses are is called EMAIL and the members names collumn is called FIRSTNAME

I'd be very grateful if a script could be written for me where the message is written in a textera form.

THANK YOU!Well because a script has only 2 minutes to run. I would suggest not doing it in ASP. You should write it in VB or a VBScript that does not run in IIS. Also would advise on using CDO SYS not CDONT.Can't you do a server timeout for 99999? Or does that actually mean 2 minutes??

Im not sure if CDO SYS is installed on my server?ows 2000 box? then yes.

You can do a server.timeout but why? It locks down the ASP thread in the pool no websites in the pool will serve a page until it either times out or it completes. Either way that could mean you are locking down other sites.why would it bother other sites if i prolong the timeout of the script?because IIS places all request on 1 process, using interprocess communication it outputs the results.

if it takes a long time for a page to run then no other page in the pool will be serviced until the thread is explicitly stopped, timed out or completes, which ever comes first.