news feed textarea showing in ie


New Member
The scrolling news feed like text the should show up in the textarea is not showing in ie, though it works in chrome. When I run it in ie it shows the textarea but it does not display text. The actual website that I am correcting is:\[code\]<textarea style="text-align: center; font-size: 18px; border-color: rgb(16, 91, 99); resize: none; background-color: rgb(16, 91, 99); color: rgb(255, 211, 78); background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;" name="news2" cols="50" rows="3" wrap="virtual" readonly=""></textarea></form><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> = '105b63'; = 'FFD34E';var newsText = new Array();//initializes the text to be printed//this is all of the banner text the scrolls across the index.html pagenewsText[0] = "Welcome to the WIRQ";newsText[1] = "The longest running high school radio station in the country providing quality alternative music for over 50 years";newsText[2] = "Our phone number is now (585) 336-0740. Give us a call if you have ";var ttloop = 0; // Repeat forever? (1 = True; 0 = False)var tspeed = 75; // Typing speed in milliseconds (larger number = slower)var tdelay = 2500; // Time delay between newsTexts in millisecondsvar dwAText, cnews=0, eline=0, cchar=0, mxText;function doNews() { mxText = newsText.length - 1; //maximum text length dwAText = newsText[cnews]; //value of the current news setTimeout("addChar()",1000)}function addNews() { cnews += 1; //increment current news if (cnews <= mxText) { //if current news hasn't surpassed the maximum news array length dwAText = newsText[cnews]; if (dwAText.length != 0) { ""; //reset text value of the box eline = 0; //start new line setTimeout("addChar()",tspeed) } }}function addChar() { if (eline!=1) { //if the line isn't finished if (cchar != dwAText.length) { nmttxt = ""; for (var k=0; k<=cchar;k++) nmttxt += dwAText.charAt(k); //put desired amount of characters in the current news =; cchar += 1; //increment the current character if (cchar != dwAText.length) //if it hasn't reached the message end, append typing symbol += "_"; } else { //if the line has finished, reset the current character and mark that the line is finished cchar = 0; eline = 1; } if (mxText==cnews && eline!=0 && ttloop!=0) { //if all the news is over, the endline is reached, and looping is on, repeat cnews = -1; setTimeout("addNews()",tdelay*4); } else setTimeout("addChar()",tspeed); } else { //if the line has been MARKED as being finished, show the next news segment setTimeout("addNews()",tdelay) }}doNews() </script>\[/code\]