Hi, I've searched a bit on these huge forums, but I didn't found the message that I was looking for, so here I am to explain my problem.
I've a table (MySQL of course
called news, with the news of my site. I made the script to show them, but now I want to make a news archive, which "store" the news by months, and by days. I think that's not difficult 
The field of the date is datetime type, and is filled with the function now() (so it creates a sctring with Day, Month, Year, Hour, PM or AM.. you know
Well, I hope somebody can explain me how to make it, and sorry for my bad english, but I'm spanish
Bye !
I've a table (MySQL of course

The field of the date is datetime type, and is filled with the function now() (so it creates a sctring with Day, Month, Year, Hour, PM or AM.. you know

Well, I hope somebody can explain me how to make it, and sorry for my bad english, but I'm spanish

Bye !