New Member
Hi i'm looking for away to show the newest Blog Entires on NON VB pages, Somewhat like the Newest Posts script but for Blogs instead. Here's the one i currently use to show Newest Posts on Standard NON VB pages.
also it uses the external.php?type=js file.
iv tried changing the .threads part to .blogs or .blog and still it doesn't work.
i noticed the blog uses the blog_external.php?type=js file and iv tried that also.. So how can i show the newest blog entires?? anybody have somethin i could use?
<script language="" type="text/javascript">
for (x = 0; x < 2; x++)
document.writeln("<td class=alt1 style=padding-right:4px;padding-left:4px;padding-top:4px;padding-bottom:4px;border-right:1px;border-right-style:solid;border-right-color:#990000;width:50%; align=left><div class=rt style=padding-top:5px;color:#F9B600;font-size:9px;font-weight:bold;>"+threads[x].threaddate+"</div><img src= style=padding-right:5px;width:24px;height:24px;border:0px;float:left; /><a href="+threads[x].threadid+" style=float:left;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;>"+threads[x].title+"</a><br /><div class=txt-comment>Last post by: "+threads[x].poster+"</div></td>");
also it uses the external.php?type=js file.
iv tried changing the .threads part to .blogs or .blog and still it doesn't work.
i noticed the blog uses the blog_external.php?type=js file and iv tried that also.. So how can i show the newest blog entires?? anybody have somethin i could use?